17年初的时候,mesos和k8s还难分伯仲,18年的时候,mesos 就已经有点尴尬了。但在具体的环境下,mesos 仍有可取之处
- 大部分互联网公司的大部分业务是 web 项目/rpc server + tomcat,具体的说,就是用tomcat 做项目容器。一个tomcat 作为 marathon 的 application,提供healthcheck、实例控制等,就够用了。k8s 的 pod 概念没有必要
- rpc 服务治理框架普遍自带 服务发现机制,k8s的service 没有必要
mesos 的配置
- mesos 配置分为:通用配置、master配置、slave配置
参数- 特定目录下的文件 ,文件内容为 配置值。 比如
mesos 配置目录有三个
只有主节点会读取的配置,等价于启动 mesos-master 命令时候的默认选项/etc/mesos-slave/
只有从节点会读取的配置,等价于启动 mesos-slave 命令时候的默认选项
此外,/etc/default/mesos、/etc/default/mesos-master、/etc/default/mesos-slave 这三个文件中可以存放一些环境变量定义,Mesos 服务启动之前,会将这些环境变量导入进来作为启动参数。
查看配置位置最稳妥的办法是:查看对应systemd serivce文件中指定的 EnvironmentFile
marathon 配置参数的方式与mesos 基本相同
配置目录为 /etc/marathon/conf
(需要手动创建),此外默认配置文件在 /etc/default/marathon
主要就是配置master 和 zk 两个参数
marathon status
Application Status
- Running
- Deploying, Whenever a change to the application has been requested by the user. Marathon is performing the required actions, which haven’t completed yet.
- Suspended, An application with a target instances of 0 and whose running tasks count is 0.
- Waiting,Marathon is waiting for offers from Mesos.
- Delayed,An app is considered delayed whenever too many tasks of the application failed in a short amount of time. Marathon will pause this deployment and retry later.
Health Status
- Healthy
- Unhealthy
- Staged
- Unknown
- Overcapacity
- Unscheduled
mesos 常见问题
- 磁盘空间不够
将mesos 以前的日志干掉, 重新启动,查看mesos日志可以发现
Log file created at: 2018/10/09 11:28:23 Running on machine: xx Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg E1009 11:28:23.090240 9958 slave.cpp:7290] EXIT with status 1: Failed to perform recovery: Collect failed: Detected duplicate pid 1526 for container ed7f5d07-b6ca-432c-8a4d-05ff5dda9407 If recovery failed due to a change in configuration and you want to keep the current agent id, you might want to change the `--reconfiguration_policy` flag to a more permissive value. To restart this agent with a new agent id instead, do as follows: rm -f /var/lib/mesos/meta/slaves/latest This ensures that the agent does not recover old live executors.
rm -f /var/lib/mesos/meta/slaves/latest